Comparison of online pharmacies by Drug: Generic Augmentin (Clavulanate Amoxicillin)
What is Augmentin?

Augmentin is an initial development and a combination of amoxicillin — one of the best penicillin antibiotics- and the most powerful known beta-lactamase inhibitor — clavulanic acid. The combination of these two components in Augmentin leads to the appearance of unique properties.
The drug implements the concept of “defending by an attack”: clavulanic acid irreversibly blocks β-lactamases of both pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms, opening a free path for amoxicillin to attack infectious agents. These properties have allowed the drug to show high clinical effectiveness in many infections of various organs and systems which does not change over time, as evidenced by more than 25 years of successful use worldwide. The advent of Augmentin was the Renaissance of penicillin antibiotics. They are deservedly restored to their rights.
The sensitivity of microorganisms to Augmentin over the decades of its successful use has practically not changed, which is confirmed by studies’ results. In particular, data from the large-scale international multicenter microbiological study Alexander Project indicates Augmentin’s high activity and sensitivity to it of microorganisms that cause non-hospital infections of the respiratory system. Another surprising property of the drug that distinguishes it from other modern antimicrobial agents was also revealed — even though the drug has been used since 1981, the sensitivity of microorganisms to Augmentin has not changed significantly.
Which microorganisms are adversely affected by this drug?
Augmentin pills are active against gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic pathogens. The active substances of the drug have a detrimental effect on some other pathogens of serious infections.
The drug is widely active against chlamydia, Treponema (syphilis pathogen), bacteria that cause the development of leptospirosis, Escherichia coli, staphylococci, streptococci, Klebsiella, Listeria, bacilli, Clostridium, Brucella, vaginal Gardnerella, Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio cholera, and many other microorganisms.
Some of these bacterial strains produce beta-lactamases, which leads to the resistance of these pathogens to the active substances of the drug.
Pharmacological properties
Augmentin pills are a long-acting drug that differs significantly from other substances based on amoxicillin. Thanks to this, the drug can be used to destroy pathogens of pneumonia that are resistant to penicillins.
After ingestion, the active substances of Augmentin – amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, quickly dissolve and are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum therapeutic effect of the drug is shown if the patient takes a pill before eating. The concentration of active substances of the drug is evenly distributed throughout the internal organs and systems – the chest cavity, abdominal cavity, tissues, penetrates the bile, is found in sputum, purulent secretions, interstitial and intra-articular fluid.
Like most penicillins, amoxicillin can enter breast milk. According to medical research, traces of clavulanic acid were also found in breast milk. This drug is usually not prescribed for the treatment of nursing women due to the high risk of accumulation of active substances of Augmentin in the liver of an infant, which enter its body with mother’s milk.
Augmentin was also subjected to laboratory studies on animals, during which it was found that clavulanic acid and amoxicillin easily penetrate the placental barrier into the uterus. Still, studies did not reveal any mutagenic or destructive effects of these drugs on the fetus.
Amoxicillin is excreted from the patient’s body naturally through the kidneys, and clavulanic acid is excreted through various renal and extrarenal mechanisms. Approximately 1/10 of the initial dose of amoxicillin is excreted in the urine, while clavulanic acid undergoes metabolic processes and is partially excreted from the body with feces and urine.
When is Augmentin prescribed?
The main indications for the appointment of Augmentin pills are:
- diseases of the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx of inflammatory and infectious origin – sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear, inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils, pharyngitis, bronchitis caused by pathogens sensitive to the components of the drug (streptococci, staphylococci);
- infectious and inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract – recurrent chronic bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, inflammatory diseases of the lung tissue;
- Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system caused by species of the family of bacteria enterobacteria, Escherichia coli, staphylococci saprophyticus, enterococci, gonococci-inflammatory processes of the bladder, inflammatory and infectious processes of the ureters, inflammation of the renal tissue (interstitial nephritis, pyelonephritis), gonorrhea, chlamydia;
- pustular skin diseases – pyoderma, boils, carbuncles, and other lesions;
- infectious processes of joints and bones-osteomyelitis caused by the Staphylococcus family;
- complications after a difficult birth or abortion – endometritis, salpingoophoritis, and other diseases of the female genital system that occur as a result of penetration of pathogens into the body. Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and its appendages can often develop as a result of unscrupulously performed diagnostic manipulations – hysteroscopy, uterine probing, diagnostic scraping of the uterine cavity, artificial termination of pregnancy, and so on.
One of the indications for the appointment of Augmentin pills is also mixed abdominal infections as part of complex therapy with other drugs.
Method of use and dosage of the drug
The course of treatment and dosage of Augmentin pills is set strictly by the doctor for each patient individually. It is important to remember that this drug is an antibiotic, so it, however, like other drugs, cannot be taken voluntarily and when desired! In addition, some diseases are caused by microorganisms that are not affected by the active substances of pills, such as viruses or fungi.
The dosage is prescribed by a specialist depending on many factors: patient age, diagnosis, presence of complications, renal function, and liver of the patient, body weight, and comorbidities.
Augmentin pills are recommended to take at the beginning of a meal in order to achieve maximum absorption of the drug and reduce the risk of side effects.
Augmentin treatment duration
The minimum course of therapy with this drug is at least 5 days. Even if all the symptoms of diseases have disappeared, and the patient feels well, they should not stop treatment themselves without completing the course indicated by the doctor. The fact is that pathogens quickly adapt to the drug. If the patient voluntarily interrupts the course of therapy, the clinical symptoms of the disease can return with a new force. In this case, the same pathogens will no longer be sensitive to Augmentin pills. The doctor will have to select something new and stronger. This, in turn, leads to the risk of severe side effects and liver damage.
If the patient is forced to take the drug for more than 10 days, then blood tests should be taken on the 11th day to assess its indicators. After 2 weeks from the start of using this drug, you need to review the need for further treatment or decide whether to stop taking the pills. It should also be understood that each disease has its own course of treatment. For example, suppose we talk about the treatment of uncomplicated middle ear inflammation. In that case, the course of treatment is no more than 7 days for adults, while the treatment of children under 2 years can be continued for up to 10 days.
Suppose there are complicated inflammatory and infectious processes. In that case, patients are sometimes prescribed Augmentin first in the form of injections. When the acute symptoms disappear, and the general condition improves, they can switch to oral drugs, that is, pills.
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