Comparison of online pharmacies by Drug: Generic Toradol (Ketorolac)
What is Toradol?

Toradol (Ketorolac) belongs to the anti-inflammatory, painkilling and antipyretic drugs. The principle of action of this drug is a decrease of enzyme activity, participation in the unification of prostanoids provoking inflammatory processes, pain attacks, and fever. Ketorolac represents the drug inhibiting the conglomeration of platelets, suppressing the rate of chemical reactions. The drug is included in the list of essential medicines.
Toradol (Ketorolac) belongs to the drugs that selectively relieve pain and fever and have an anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is aimed at inhibiting the enzyme activity, synthesizing prostanoids in the nerve cells, which results in delayed formation of organic substances provoking pain and inflammatory process. Ketorolac is a uniform mixture of both forms of stereoisomers. Pain relief is achieved through the participation of S-shaped carbon. By the strength of pain relief, it is equivalent to narcotic drugs. Toradol is a leader in its group.
Toradol doesn’t:
1) affect the nervous system receptors regulating the pain symptoms,
2) constrain breathing,
3) cause addiction,
4) have a calming and psychotropic effect on the nervous system.
Toradol starts to cause a painkilling effect half an hour after the intramuscular drug administration, while the maximum result is achieved within two hours.
The medicine doesn’t provoke physical and mental disorders, such as gag reflex, painful cramps in the abdomen, fear, spasm and impaired consciousness. Reducing the platelet pooling, Toradol prolongs the bleeding period.
Indications for use
Toradol is prescribed in moderate and severe pain syndrome, including traumas, toothache, post-surgery pains, oncological diseases, myalgia, neuralgia, arthralgia, radiculitis, and rheumatic diseases stretching and sprains. Toradol doesn’t affect the progression of the disease. The drug should be used only for symptomatic treatment, reduction of inflammation, and pain at the time of use.
Way of use and dosage
Toradol is intended for oral administration. You can take 1 pill on an ad hoc basis, or up to 4 pills a day repeatedly, based on the severity of the pain syndrome. The maximum daily dose of Ketorolac is 4 pills. The duration of treatment must not exceed 5 days.
In standard doses and in case of short-term use, Toradol is quite safe, which makes it the drug of choice for relief of acute pain in therapeutic practice. It can be safely used to treat acute lower back pain, toothache, migraine, renal and biliary colic; it is also useful in many other situations when quick and powerful pain relief is required, but the use of narcotic analgesics is inappropriate.
It has been shown that Toradol is an effective drug for the treatment of renal colic, which doesn’t require close monitoring of the patient. Moreover, it doesn’t cause adverse sedation events.
In addition, adequate relief of pain syndrome with Toradol is an important additional factor of blood pressure stabilization in patients with a hypertensive crisis.
Based on the data received, specialists classified Toradol as an effective and safe medication used in the complex therapy of internal diseases (pleuropneumonia, chronic non-calculous cholecystitis, urolithiasis, etc.), complicated by the pain syndrome.
The question of the true incidence of serious complications caused by the use of Ketorolac remains open. Specialists studying the efficiency and safety of medications always take into account the preclinical data provided by the manufacturer. However, large-scale clinical trials of any drug bring the new quantitative and qualitative data on the adverse reactions, which allow access to the real security profile only after many years and even decades.
Contraindications to the use of Toradol
The drug shouldn’t be used for the treatment of chronic pain. Because of the high risk of bleeding, Toradol isn’t used as a means of maintenance anesthesia, premedication, and pain relief before and during surgical operations (including obstetric practice).
Ketorolac is contraindicated to the patients with such conditions:
- bronchospasm;
- ulcerative lesions of the duodenum and/or gastric wall;
- different renal dysfunctions;
- children up to 16 years of age;
- rhinitis;
- the risk of bleeding after surgery or blood clotting disorders;
- pregnancy;
- hypersensitivity to the drug components or other NSAIDs;
- Quincke’s edema;
- hematopoiesis;
- bronchial asthma;
- lactation period;
- dehydration;
- brain hemorrhage.
The drug isn’t used as a premedication, maintenance anesthesia, and pain relief before and during operations (including in obstetric practice) due to the high risk of bleeding. The drug isn’t indicated for the treatment of chronic pain.
Special indications
If it is necessary to conduct permanent hemostasis in the postoperative period, special caution should be exercised when taking Toradol. The same applies to elderly patients due to the prolonged half-life of the active substance.
You should immediately stop taking the drug if you notice the first symptoms of liver damage, eosinophilia, and skin rash. Toradol is not recommended for the therapy of chronic pain syndrome.
Due to the risk of drowsiness, vertigo, and depressive mood during the use of Toradol, special care should be taken while driving and engaging in potentially dangerous activities, requiring fast reaction and a high degree of attention.
Compatibility with other drugs
A combination of Kerotolac with other anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs, glucocorticosteroids, ethanol, corticotropin and calcium preparations increases the risk of ulcer and gastric bleedings.
Joint prescription of Kerotolac with heparin, aspirin, coumarin derivatives, cephalosporins, valproic acid, and thrombolytics (Alteplase, Streptokinase) enhances the risk of bleeding.
Ketorolac can suppress the pharmacological action of antihypertensive and diuretic drugs.
The combination of Ketorolac with Methotrexate increases nephro- and hepatotoxicity.
Ketorolac enhances the effect of narcotic analgesics.
The combination of myelotoxic drugs with Ketorolac enhances the hematotoxic effect of the drug.
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